Pharmpur contri­butes its share to climate protection

by Maria Menz
4 years ago

The protection of the environment and the climate is one of the most important issues in this millennium. Pharmpur takes this into account with a corporate strategy geared towards sustaina­bility and has invested in its own solar system. The electricity generated from solar energy in the solar energy cells is mainly used for the company’s own needs, thus saving resources. The systems are low in pollutants and recyclable.


At the end of May 2020, the photo­voltaic system with an output of 66kWp went into operation. This was installed as part of the ongoing investment projects. In the past two months, more than 15 tons of carbon dioxide have already been saved. As a compa­rison: a car journey of 5,000 kilometers releases one ton of CO2.


System should cover energy peaks


In the past few years, Pharmpur GmbH has analyzed the consumption of electrical energy. Between May 2020 and September 2020 consumption peaks due to cooling units are unavo­idable. The system will now help to cover the additional consumption in these months ecolo­gi­cally and economically.