Pharmpur helps quickly and unbureaucratically

by Maria Menz
3 years ago

The news and images that reach us from Ukraine are shocking, worrying and only partially reflect the human suffering associated with the war.

Humani­tarian aid is required

The ophthal­mo­lo­gical centers of western Ukraine urgently need surgical aids to ensure the care of their patients.
This call for help reached Pharmpur via the university clinics in Giessen and Marburg, which work closely with the Ukrainian Vitreo­lo­gical Society.

Pharmpur immediately donated endotam­po­nades and viscoela­stics worth EUR 10,000. The transport is organized by the university ophthalmic clinics in Giessen and Marburg.

With this joint relief effort, it can be ensured that the required materials reach their desti­nation without detours and in the shortest possible time.