Pharmpur is preparing for the new MDR regulation

by Maria Menz
4 years ago

The new EU regulation on medical devices came into force on May 26, 2020. This regulation replaces the previous directive. Among other things, the new regula­tions are intended to improve product safety and facilitate the identi­fi­cation and tracea­bility of products by intro­ducing a unique product identi­fi­cation number. Of course, this poses not only a major challenge to autho­rities and notified bodies, but also to the companies concerned. Pharmpur GmbH also had to prepare for the changeover. Dr. Helge Menz, COO of Pharmpur GmbH, reports in the ophthal­mo­lo­gical journal “The Ophthal­mo­logist” on how this was achieved and what diffi­culties had to be overcome.


You can find the full interview here.